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Is Your New Year’s Goal A Beautiful Home In Israel?

Posted on 1 October 2024
Is Your New Year’s Goal A Beautiful Home In Israel?

Rosh Hashana signifies new beginnings, looking ahead, and planning for our future. It’s a time when we set our goals and envision our dreams.  

I like to reflect on the past year, review what I can improve, and celebrate what I have accomplished.  Then, I set my goals and my intentions. I write them down and organize them into steps.  I create a vision board to help me visualize my aspirations.  

How do you set your goals so you can achieve them?  Is one of your goals for 5784 to celebrate more holidays in Israel with your family?  Maybe make aliyah and live closer to your grandchildren?

Imagine the joy of starting each New Year by preparing your Rosh Hashana table with delicious apples and sweet honey in our Jewish homeland.

Similar to setting personal goals and dreams for the New Year, what goals do you have for your new home? What colors do you love, and what features do you want to include?  A clear vision will make creating a home you’ll love easier. 

When designing your home, you’ll probably be making more decisions than seeds in a pomegranate.  But don’t worry.  Instead, think of it as an exciting new adventure where I guide you every step of the way.

Prepare for your new home like you prepare for Rosh Hashanah

In preparation for Rosh Hashana, we sound the shofar for inspiration and spend the month of Elul in reflection.  We’ve taken stock of the past year and prepared for a new start. We established resolutions and planned for what we desire, considering our personal needs as well as those of our whole family.

This is like the process of designing your new home.

When I work with my clients, we start by reflecting on their current home, what they like, and what they wish was different.  Next, we determine their goals for their home in Israel. 

You might aim to make your new home as comfortable and convenient as your current one in the US or Canada.

One of my clients wanted an office so he could work remotely. Another client needed enough storage and play space for her 6 children and another client had a goal for her kitchen to have enough counter space to bake chocolate chip cookies side-by-side with her grandchildren.

Just as you prepare for Rosh Hashanah, design by reflecting on the past, setting goals, and creating a clear vision to ensure your home is beautiful and welcoming.

Fulfill your New Year’s goals

Rosh Hashana is a time for new beginnings and establishing a plan to achieve your goals.  An elegant new home filled with warmth and comfort will symbolize that fresh start.

This Rosh Hashanah, as you dip your apple in honey, envision the sweet possibilities of your future Israeli home. Let this be the year you turn your dream into reality—and design your elegant home in our Jewish homeland. 

If you are ready to discover how to design your comfortable, elegant new home in Israel, contact us to book a consultation at 052-308-9779.

L'Shanah Tovah to new beginnings!  Wishing you peace, good health, and a joyous New Year.

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