15 July 2016
In my business, I spend so much time working with other people on their dream homes that I need to remind myself every once in a while to stop and appreciate my dream home, Israel.
We made aliyah 11 years ago, leaving our family and large Toronto community for the unknown but exciting future that lay ahead in Israel. Sometimes I look back and think, "Wow, I must have been crazy!" But...
15 June 2016
There's something unique about Jerusalem's Machene Yehuda that attracts me. I'm intrigued by it's history, amazed by its people and their stories, and excited about its eclectic vibe. As the warm summer days are here to stay, we enjoy a Friday Family afternoon stroll with all our tastes satisfied in the narrow alleyways of Jerusalem's Shuk .
Amongst the pushing, the shoving...
15 May 2016
Last Tuesday, on Yom Hazikaron, we joined together with other olim, alongside JNF and The Lone Soldier Center in memory of Michael Levine. Together, we admired the young boys who left behind their family and friends, as well as the comforts of their American lifestyles, to serve in the IDF. We know these selfless young men as Lone Soldiers.
The Yom Hazikaron ceremony was moving, focusing on th...
20 April 2016
Though Pesach fills many with dread, I eagerly anticipate it each year. The special family time, the spring time focus of the holiday, and the careful care and attention we pay to our homes are all things I enjoy and deeply connect with. One of the most special parts of the holiday for me has always been Mimouna, a Moroccan tradition which celebrates the end of Pesach, the return to eating cham...
20 March 2016
Weeks before purim I start planning my Mishloah Manot. I like to take the time and put thought into it and give family and friends a mishloah manot that is elegant yet simple to make, useful and healthy too.
In Jerusalem, we celebrate Purim on Shushan Purim which this year falls on Friday. So I'm planning to make a Mishloach Manot in the spirit of Shabbat.
Here are a few of the ideas I ha...