Celebrating Aliyah
15 July 2016
In my business, I spend so much time working with other people on their dream homes that I need to remind myself every once in a while to stop and appreciate my dream home, Israel. We made aliyah 11 years ago, leaving our family and large Toronto community for the unknown but exciting future that lay ahead in Israel. Sometimes I look back and think, "Wow, I must have been crazy!" But...
A fruitful Tu Bshvat
21 February 2015
The sweet smell of spring is in the air. The cool breeze and the bursts of sunlight and warmth make it my favorite time of year. Tu B'shvat is here! At this special time, kids throughout the country plant trees digging new roots into our land and beautifying it. This year, during the Shmitta year (the sabbatical year), planting and cultivating the land is forbidden. Other celebratory ac...