Styles Evolve But Good Taste Never Changes
15 June 2016
There's something unique about Jerusalem's Machene Yehuda that attracts me. I'm intrigued by it's history, amazed by its people and their stories, and excited about its eclectic vibe. As the warm summer days are here to stay, we enjoy a Friday Family afternoon stroll with all our tastes satisfied in the narrow alleyways of Jerusalem's Shuk . Amongst the pushing, the shoving...
Lights on Jerusalem
15 June 2015
This week, as the sun begins to set, our historical city of Jerusalem magically transforms into a captivating and exhilarating colorful lighting experience. The Old City's cobblestone roads and narrow alleyways are illuminated by stunning light installations, sculptures and fascinating light effects. At Jerusalem's Annual Light Festival, light is used as a unique medium to create a stun...
White as Snow
15 January 2015
It's not every year that it snows in Jerusalem. However, when it does, Jerusalem is covered with a beautiful white blanket. Schools close down and the streets are empty of its usual bustle. Jerusalem slows down and the city is hushed with the silence of those staying home to avoid the unfamiliar white powder. Not us!!! We came prepared from our years living through Canadian winters. We le...